Millers Dene Day Care Privacy Notice (Full Version available here: Millers Dene Full Privacy Notice)
Here at Millers Dene Day Care CIC we take your privacy seriously and will only use the personal information we collect from you to manage your child’s account with us as well as their learning, development and wellbeing.
How do we collect the information?
We have various methods of collecting personal information e.g. application forms, booking forms, registration forms, parent declaration forms, online applications and medical information reports and reports from other agencies.
What information we collect?
CHILD – Name, date of birth, home address, dietary requirements, Attendance information, photographs and video clips of the child to signpost children to where their belongings are stored at and also for general display purposes. Emergency contact should parents be unavailable and the emergency contact’s contact details. Learning journey’s documenting developmental progress and assessment information including photographs. Accident, incident and existing injury’s. Health and medical information, safeguarding and child protection information. Gender, ethnicity, language spoken and nationality.
PARENTS – Name, home address, date of birth, national insurance number, telephone numbers, personal email addresses, bank account details. Ethnicity, spoken language and nationality. Conversations with parents where Employees of the Nursery deem it relevant to the prevention of radicalisation or other aspects of the Prevent Duty.
What is the information used for?
As an Early Years registered provider we must comply with the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory duties and OFSTED inspection Framework.
We are governed by UK laws and legislation such as the Children’s Act (2014) & Children & Families Act (2014). We have legitimate reasons for collecting your personal data and have a duty to share it with our Local Authority in order to provide evidence that your child is eligible to access the free funded entitlement sessions and any other support your child may need to promote their health, wellbeing and learning and development whilst attending Millers Dene Day Care CIC.
We are also legally obligated to provide data for the early years census and childcare sufficiency assessments for Local Authorities who have a duty to report their data to central government departments.
We will input your data into electronic database systems; this helps us manage our nursery smoothly. Your data will be securely held under a password protected system and can only be accessed by authorised personnel. Hard copies of data will be stored securely.
On occasions we will need to contact you, via phone, email or in writing to provide you with nursery updates, share relevant news, send your childcare invoices or contact you should your child become ill whilst in the session. We will use the contacts details you provide us which will be held in your child’s records.
We will retain your details on file for our timeline period of 5 years after your child has left Millers Dene Day Care CIC (there are some exceptions to this, please see full GDPR privacy notice and data retention policy)
We will delete your records by securely shredding/deleting them when the retention period expires.